Frequently Asked Question:-

Q. How soon will the product be delivered once the order is placed.
A. It depends on multiple factors. We will make every effort to deliver downloadable products within 48 hours. For products which are web-based it depends on seller restriction. From the time a reseller can start selling, it may take 2 to 10 days to delivery.
Q. Why is the delivery date not mentioned on every offer?
A. It varies from product to product. Many sellers don’t mention when resellers are allowed to sell on their sales page. So it’s not possible for us to put up a date until the seller informs us that we can start selling.
Default, Most sellers don’t allow resellers to create accounts until their launch is over to prevent them from losing business.
Q. How should I get support?
A. Best and fastest way to get support is to open a support ticket on our site so it can be tracked properly by everyone.
Q. What to do if I don’t get a response from the ticket system on your store.
A. Even though we try hard to respond to all tickets in a timely manner it may happen that we miss one. In that case you can email me at
Q. Should I contact the seller directly for support?
A. Most of the sellers will not provide support to clients who bought from a reseller, white label account holder or agency holder.  You need to ask me first for support and if the product is directly supported by the seller we will let you know.
Q. What happens if you fail to deliver the product?
A. We will always do our best to deliver. If we cannot deliver due to circumstances outside of our control (e.g. the seller changes their terms, or reseller terms are changed) we will refund you your money.
Q. Can I ask for a refund if the product does not work?
A. Once the product is delivered its no longer refundable. If, for some reason, the product is not working within 30 days we will replace the product. There will be no replacements or refunds after 30 days as we are also not going to get anything from the seller.
Q. Will all bonuses be provided ?
A. Yes, all shareable bonuses will be provided. If, for any reason, a bonus is not shareable it won’t be delivered. If you are just buying a product for the bonuses please realize that bonuses are never guaranteed.
Q. Why is there a is price difference between when the product is launched and after the initial launch is over.
A. As you know group buys work when enough people join to purchase the product. We give a special price to those who contribute early so that the product can be purchased. Those who did not join during the early bird offer pay a higher price as they did not contribute during the purchase phase.